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El 26 de març de 1971, Bangladesh proclama la independència i esclata una guerra civil que el protagonista d''Els fills de la mitjanit' viu en primera persona. Descobrir >
Classics in Graphics: Shakespeare's Twelfth Night : A Graphic Novel

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Shakespeare's Twelfth Night like you've never seen it - or read it - before! Classics in Graphics: Twelfth Night has been adapted into a graphic novel by expert authors, Steve Skidmore and Steve Barlow, with illustrations by Wendy Tan Shiau Wei. Experience the famous (and famously confusing) love triangle, presented with all the flair of your favourite rom-com. Classics in Graphics is a series of graphic novels for readers aged 10 plus that has inclusion at its heart, flinging wide the doors of ...

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  • Enquadernació Tapa dura
  • Autor/s Tan, Wendy / Shakespeare, William / Barlow, Steve / Skidmore, Steve
  • ISBN13 9781445190211
  • ISBN10 1445190214
  • Pàgines 112
  • Any Edició 2024
  • Idioma Anglès
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Classics in Graphics: Shakespeare's Twelfth Night : A Graphic Novel

Classics in Graphics: Shakespeare's Twelfth Night : A Graphic Novel (Anglès)

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18,52€ 19,50€ -5%
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