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Dante the Theologian

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An understanding of Dante the theologian as distinct from Dante the poet has been neglected in an appreciation of Dante's work as a whole. That is the starting-point of this vital new book. In giving theology fresh centrality, the author argues that theologians themselves should find, when they turn to Dante Alighieri, a compelling resource: whether they do so as historians of fourteenth-century Christian thought, or as interpreters of the religious issues of our own times.Expertly guiding his r...

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  • Enquadernació Tapa tova
  • Autor/s Turner, Denys
  • ISBN13 9781009168700
  • ISBN10 1009168703
  • Pàgines 310
  • Any Edició 2005
  • Idioma Anglès
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Dante the Theologian

Dante the Theologian (Anglès)

42,37€ 44,60€ -5%
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