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Eros The Bittersweet

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Named one of the 100 best nonfiction books of all time by the Modern LibraryAnne Carson’s remarkable first book about the paradoxical nature of romantic loveSince it was first published, Eros the Bittersweet, Anne Carson’s lyrical meditation on love in ancient Greek literature and philosophy, has established itself as a favorite among an unusually broad audience, including classicists, essayists, poets, and general readers. Beginning with the poet Sappho’s invention of the word “bittersweet” to ...

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  • Enquadernació Tapa tova
  • Autor/s Carson, Anne
  • ISBN13 9780691247939
  • ISBN10 0691247935
  • Pàgines 208
  • Idioma Anglès
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Eros The Bittersweet

Eros The Bittersweet (Anglès)

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