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Fragments of Old Comedy, Volume III: Philonicus to Xenophon. Adespota

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Laughter in stitches.The era of Old Comedy (ca. 485 ? ca. 380 BC), when theatrical comedy was created and established, is best known through the extant plays of Aristophanes, but there were many other poets whose comedies survive only in fragments. This new Loeb edition, the most extensive selection of the fragments available in English, presents the work of more than fifty-five poets, including Cratinus and Eupolis, the other members (along with Aristophanes) of the canonical Old Comic triad.Fo...

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  • Enquadernació Tapa dura
  • Autor/s Various Authors / Storey, Ian C.
  • ISBN13 9780674996779
  • ISBN10 0674996771
  • Pàgines 480
  • Any Edició 2011
  • Idioma Grec, Antic (Fins 1453)
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Fragments of Old Comedy, Volume III: Philonicus to Xenophon. Adespota

Fragments of Old Comedy, Volume III: Philonicus to Xenophon. Adespota (Grec, Antic (Fins 1453))

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