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Hegel's Encyclopedia of the Philosophical Sciences: A Critical Guide

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Hegel regarded his "Enyclopedia of the Philosophical Sciences" as the work which most fully presented the scope of his philosophical system and its method. It is somewhat surprising, therefore, that scholars regularly accord it only a secondary status. This "Critical Guide" seeks to change that, with sixteen newly-written essays from an international group of leading Hegel scholars that shed much-needed light on both the whole and the parts of the Encyclopedia system.Topics include the structure...

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  • Enquadernació Tapa tova
  • Autor/s Various Authors / Stein, Sebastian / Wretzel, Joshua
  • ISBN13 9781108458900
  • ISBN10 1108458904
  • Pàgines 340
  • Any Edició 2023
  • Idioma Anglès
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Hegel's Encyclopedia of the Philosophical Sciences: A Critical Guide

Hegel's "Encyclopedia of the Philosophical Sciences": A Critical Guide (Anglès)

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