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El 26 de març de 1971, Bangladesh proclama la independència i esclata una guerra civil que el protagonista d''Els fills de la mitjanit' viu en primera persona. Descobrir >
Life Ceremony

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From the author of international bestseller Convenience Store Woman comes a collection of short fiction: weird, out of this world and like nothing you've read before. An engaged couple falls out over the husband's dislike of clothes and objects made from human materials; a young girl finds herself deeply enamoured with the curtain in her childhood bedroom; people honour their dead by eating them and then procreating. Published in English for the first time, this exclusive edition also includes t...

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  • Enquadernació Tapa tova
  • Autor/s Murata, Sayaka
  • ISBN13 9781783787388
  • ISBN10 1783787384
  • Pàgines 272
  • Any Edició 2023
  • Idioma Anglès
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Life Ceremony

Life Ceremony (Anglès)

12,82€ 13,50€ -5%
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12,82€ 13,50€ -5%
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