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El 26 de març de 1971, Bangladesh proclama la independència i esclata una guerra civil que el protagonista d''Els fills de la mitjanit' viu en primera persona. Descobrir >

Detalls del llibre

With a foreword by Kat Delacorte, author of With Fire in Their Blood‘It will have blood, they say: blood will have blood’On a bleak, stormy night in Scotland, three witches prophesy: Macbeth will be a lord twice-over and Macbeth will be king; but Banquo’s sons will also be kings. When the witches’ predictions start to come true, the ambitious Lady Macbeth vows to help her husband become King of Scotland and hold on to the throne – by any means necessary. But as the pursuit of power leads them do...

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  • Autor/s Shakespeare, William
  • ISBN13 9780241682074
  • ISBN10 024168207X
  • Idioma Anglès


Macbeth (Anglès)

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