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The Hive

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The translator Anthony Kerrigan has compared the work of Camilo José Cela, the 1989 winner of the Nobel Prize in Literature, to that of Louis-Ferdinand Céline and Curzio Malaparte. These are, Kerrigan writes, “ferocious writers, truculent, badly spoken, foul mouthed.” However provocative and disturbing, they are also flat-out dazzling as writers, whose sentences, as rigorous as riotous, lodge like knives in the reader's mind. Cela called himself a proponent of “uglyism,” of “nothingism.” But he ...

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  • Enquadernació Tapa tova
  • Autor/s Cela, Camilo José
  • ISBN13 9781681376158
  • ISBN10 1681376156
  • Any Edició 2023
  • Idioma Anglès
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The Hive

The Hive (Anglès)

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