Buch Details
Bruno the ghost-child has gone to live in a castle in the Black Forest. Lucy goes to visit him there. Together the two children explore the whole castle, except for one enigmatic tower. They also visit the region of the cuckoo clocks. The mysterious tower is the home of the wise ghost, surrounded by books and curious artefacts. The wise ghost sets the children some entertaining maths games.
Mehr sehen - Einband Taschenformat
- Schriftsteller Ortega De La Cruz, Rafael
- ISBN13 9788415913009
- ISBN10 8415913001
- Buchseiten 176
- Sammlung NIVOLA KIDS
- Jahr der Ausgabe 2016
- Sprache Englisch
Adventures in the Castle of Numbers
- Rafael Ortega De La Cruz
- Verlag NIVOLA
- ISBN 9788415913009
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