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Arcadian Days

Buch Details

The Greek myths, refined by the great poets and playwrights of Ancient Greece, distil the essence of human life: its brief span; its pride, courage and insecurity, its anxious relationship with the natural world - earth, see and sky, represented by powerful gods and monsters.Taking inspiration from the incomparably beautiful and intense poetry of Homer, Aeschylus, Sophocles and Euripides, John Spurling - a lifelong classicist and an award-winning playwright and historical novelist - spins five f...

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  • Schriftsteller John Spurling
  • ISBN13 9780715654569
  • ISBN10 071565456X
  • Buchseiten 324
  • Jahr der Ausgabe 2027
  • Sprache Englisch
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Arcadian Days

Arcadian Days (Englisch)

13,30€ 14,00€ -5%
Verfügbar am 13.10.2027
Verbleibende Tage 934 Tage
Dieses Buch kommt am 13/10/2027
13,30€ 14,00€ -5%
Verfügbar am 13.10.2027
Verbleibende Tage 934 Tage
Dieses Buch kommt am 13/10/2027

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