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Catastrophe Ethics: How to Be Good in a World Gone Bad

Buch Details

An urgent, thought-provoking answer to the question we are all secretly asking: individually, how should we act in the face of the climate emergency?Philosopher Travis Rieder outlines a new ethics for the age of humanmade catastrophe. We are all asking, in a hyperglobalised world hurtling towards environmental destruction: how do we determine the right actions? Do our individual efforts to avoid plastic or air travel, or to drive electric, make any real difference?We urgently need to expand our ...

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  • Einband Hardcover
  • Schriftsteller Rieder, Travis
  • ISBN13 9780715655320
  • ISBN10 0715655329
  • Buchseiten 336
  • Jahr der Ausgabe 2024
  • Sprache Englisch
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Catastrophe Ethics: How to Be Good in a World Gone Bad

Catastrophe Ethics: How to Be Good in a World Gone Bad (Englisch)

13,50€ 25,00€
13,50€ 25,00€

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