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Herzlichen Glückwunsch, Bookish Kids! Seit 5 Jahren fördern wir das Lesen bei den Kleinen. Möchten Sie, dass sie früh die Lesegewohnheit entwickeln? Abonnieren. Entdecken >
Climate Change in Simple Spanish

Buch Details

Improve your Spanish and expand your vocabulary with topics that matter.

 When it comes to mastering a foreign language, reading around your interests makes all the difference. But finding books designed for language learners can be hard! This book fixes that. For the first time, you'll learn to improve your Spanish while reading about one of the most important topics of the century: climate change.

Told through authentic conversations in intermediate Spanish, you'll become confident in the words, phrases and expressions you need to speak about the topics you care about.

 Climate Change in Simple Spanish transports you into a real-world story that unfolds between three Spanish characters. The story, told by the people themselves, focuses on climate change and their effort to learn more about it! Over 30 engaging and informative chapters, you'll immerse yourself in the topic of Climate Change and master Spanish in the process.

Here's what you'll get:

  • 34 chapters in conversational Spanish, so you can learn about climate change the fun way.
  • Helpful key facts at the end of each chapter to help guide you through the science.
  • Real, daily spoken Spanish throughout - it's as if we held up a microphone and recorded the exact words coming out of people's mouths - so you can learn natural Spanish.
  • Conversations that are carefully written to be accessible for intermediate learners (CEFR B1-B2), so you can learn from real, spoken conversations.
  • Word lists with English definitions in every chapter, so you can get instant translations of any difficult words. This means you can focus on enjoying the story rather than wasting time in a dictionary.
  • Summaries of each conversation which contextualise each dialogue, so you can easily follow the plot and enjoy the story without getting lost.
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  • ISBN13 9781914190131
  • ISBN10 1914190130
  • Buchseiten 228
  • Sprache Spanisch Englisch
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Climate Change in Simple Spanish

Climate Change in Simple Spanish

  • ISBN 9781914190131
22,80€ 24,00€ -5%
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