Buch Details
Throughout five chapters, Branko Milanovic presents the possible future of the world?s inequality. In the first chapter it is explained that the world?s inequality has change since the Industrial Revolution and the fall of the Berlin Wall. Additionally, a historical recount on the appearance of the middle class and the antagonism of the super-rich is made. In the second section, it is analyzed some factors of national inequality and the theory of the Kuznets cycles is reformulated, for the author inequality tends to increment at first and then to reduce. In the third section, global inequality is contrasted over time and between different countries. On the other hand, the last two sections constitute a projection of the possible future scenario of inequality and the possible alternatives to the problem.
- Einband Taschenbuch
- Schriftsteller Milanovic, Branko
- ISBN13 9786071653956
- ISBN10 6071653959
- Buchseiten 305
- Sammlung Economía #
- Jahr der Ausgabe 2018
- Sprache Kastilisch
Desigualdad mundial: Un nuevo enfoque para la era de la globalizacion (Kastilisch)
- Branko Milanovic
- Verlag F.C.E
- ISBN 9786071653956
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