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Divine Might: Goddesses In Greek Myth

Buch Details

In "Divine Might" Natalie Haynes, author of the bestselling "Pandora’s Jar", returns to the world of Greek myth and this time she examines the role of the goddesses.We meet Athene, who sprang fully formed from her father’s head: goddess of war and wisdom, guardian of Athens. We run with Artemis, goddess of hunting and protector of young girls (apart from those she decides she wants as a sacrifice). Here is Aphrodite, goddess of sex and desire – there is no deity more determined and able to make ...

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  • Einband Hardcover
  • Schriftsteller Haynes, Natalie
  • ISBN13 9781529089486
  • ISBN10 1529089484
  • Buchseiten 304
  • Jahr der Ausgabe 2023
  • Sprache Englisch
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Divine Might: Goddesses In Greek Myth

Divine Might: Goddesses In Greek Myth (Englisch)

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