Buch Details
Essential Thai Phrasebook and Dictionary presents the practical language of everyday interactions, conveyed in a way that's clear, concise, accessible and enjoyable. It includes the simple sentences used when meeting people, starting conversations, and asking and replying to questions, as well as a basic grammar and pronunciation guide to help you start speaking Thai right away. Terms and phrases covering mobile phones, wireless, and social media help you make the most of the language. In additi...
- Einband Taschenbuch
- ISBN13 9780804846875
- ISBN10 0804846871
- Buchseiten 124
- Jahr der Ausgabe 2020
- Sprache Thailändisch
Essential Thai Phrasebook and Dictionary: Revised Edition: Speak Thai with Confidence (Essential Phrasebook And Dictionary Series) (Thailändisch)
- Von
- |
- TUTTLE (2020)
- 9780804846875
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