Buch Details
AdventureSet in 15th-century England during the Wars of the Roses, this is the exciting story of the adventures of young Richard Shelton and the mysterious band of the Black Arrow.Richard must fight against his cruel guardian Sir Daniel Brackley, and his treacherous men to protect his true love Joanna. Because of his courage and honesty he becomes a knight and helps to save his country.Suspense, mystery, excitement, incredible adventures and romance fill this thrilling tale that is hard to put down.Dossiers:The Wars of the Roses Knights and Knighthood TodayExit test
Robert Louis StevensonAdaptado por George GibsonActividades por Stuart CochraneAventuraAmbientado durante las Guerras de las Rosas, este texto narra las aventuras de Richard Shelton y de la misteriosa banda de la Flecha Negra. Para proteger a su amada Joanna, Richard lucha contra su cruel tutor, Sir Daniel Brackley, y sus hombres. Misterio, aventuras, emoción y romance son los ingredientes de esta historia apasionante.
- Einband Taschenformat
- Schriftsteller Stevenson, Robert Louis
- ISBN13 9788431609948
- ISBN10 843160994X
- Buchseiten 80
- Sammlung Black Cat. Green Apple #
- Sprache Englisch
Green Apple - The Black Arrow - Level: 1 - A2 (Englisch)
- Robert Louis Stevenson
- ISBN 9788431609948