Buch Details
Continuity and connectivity, transversality and linearity, permeability and porosity are the urban concepts that we took into account to understand and design within the Zhabei district in order to propose a project that suits the ideas of a well-networked, inclusive and sustainable city.
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- Schriftsteller Roca Blanch, Estanislau / Smirnova, Aliaksandra / Harris, Sebastian Francis
- ISBN13 9788498807424
- ISBN10 8498807425
- Buchseiten 137
- Jahr der Ausgabe 2019
- Sprache Katalanisch
Infrastructural nature (Katalanisch)
- Estanislau Roca Blanch , Aliaksandra Smirnova , Sebastian Francis Harris
- Verlag UPC
- ISBN 9788498807424
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