Buch Details
Learn to speak Italian in just three months with this practical and comprehensive self-study language course. Whether you're a complete beginner or wanting to refresh your knowledge, Hugo: Italian in Three Months will have you speaking Italian fluently in just 12 weeks. With a fresh new look and an accompanying audio app, the latest edition of this classic self-study course provides all the resources needed to speak, read, and write in Italian.The 12 weekly chapters contain lessons on the key gr...
- Einband Taschenbuch
- Schriftsteller Reynolds, Milena
- ISBN13 9780241537411
- ISBN10 024153741X
- Buchseiten 206
- Jahr der Ausgabe 2022
- Sprache Englisch, Italienisch
Italian in 3 Months with Free Audio App : Your Essential Guide to Understanding and Speaking Italian (Englisch, Italienisch)
- Milena Reynolds
- ISBN 9780241537411
- Reihe Hugo in 3 Months #
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