Buch Details
More than three hundred previously unpublished texts from the Yale Babylonian CollectionYuval Levavi and Elizabeth E. Payne present 315 previously unpublished texts held in the Yale Babylonian Collection at the Yale Peabody Museum. The texts shed light on textile and metal workers in the Eanna temple in Uruk during the Neo-Babylonian Period, about 626 to 539 BCE. This volume of the Yale Oriental Series features a full edition of each text, including hand copies, transliterations, translations, and essential commentary, allowing unprecedented access to these primary sources.
Mehr sehen - ISBN13 9780300271904
- ISBN10 0300271905
- Buchseiten 408
- Jahr der Ausgabe 2012
- Sprache Englisch
Late Babylonian Administrative and Legal Texts, Concerning Craftsmen, from the Eanna Archive (Volume 24) (Yale Oriental Series: Cuneiform Texts) (Englisch)
- Verlag YUP
- ISBN 9780300271904
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