Buch Details
What is it to be capable of thoughts about an objective world? What is involved in the unity of consciousness? How is the ability to attribute attitudes to other persons to be understood? The three symposia in this volume develop new approaches to these central questions in the philosophy of mind. The contributors include leading philosophers of the middle and younger generation working in Britain. All the issues discussed have an interdisciplinary dimension, and each symposium contains a contribution from a noted psychologist working in the same field. The volume will be of interest not only to philosophers of mind, but also to those concerned with metaphysics, epistemology, developmental psychology, animal psychology and the nature of consciousness.
Mehr sehen - Einband Taschenbuch
- Schriftsteller Peacocke, Christopher
- ISBN13 9780197261675
- ISBN10 0197261671
- Buchseiten 162
- Jahr der Ausgabe 1995
Objectivity, Simulation and the unity of consciousness
- Christopher Peacocke
- Verlag OXFORD U.P.
- ISBN 9780197261675
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