Buch Details
A blown mission and a dead team leave Adam Hayes on the run in this high-stakes thriller from Robert Ludlum's Bourne universe.From the explosive world of Jason Bourne emerges a new hero. The CIA has a source in Haiti with proof of corruption at the top of the American intelligence community. Yet a simple smash and grab mission is blown wide open when a powerful element in Haiti is threatened by the breach. The CIA team's only hope for survival is a speedy extraction.None of this matters to Adam Hayes. After years of dangerous operations for Treadstone, he's ready to call it quits, but the feeling isn't mutual. Treadstone want Hayes back for one more mission. And when the mission is blown and Hayes escapes with his life, everyone, it seems, is determined to correct that oversight.
- Einband Taschenbuch
- Schriftsteller Hood, Joshua
- ISBN13 9781803285788
- ISBN10 1803285788
- Jahr der Ausgabe 2032
- Sprache Englisch
Robert Ludlum's (TM) The Treadstone Transgression
- ISBN 9781803285788
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