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Structure and History in Greek Mythology and Ritual

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"Tantalizingly rich ...this is a splendid book."--Greece and Rome "Burken relegates his learned documentation to the notes and writes in a lively and fluent style. The book is recommended as a major contribution to the interpretation of ancient Greek myth and ritual. The breadth alone of Burkert's learning renders his book indispensable."--Classical Outlook "Impressive...founded on a striking knowledge of the complex evidence (literary, epigraphical, archaeological, comparative) for this extensi...

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  • Einband Taschenbuch
  • ISBN13 9780520047709
  • ISBN10 0520047702
  • Buchseiten 248
  • Jahr der Ausgabe 2005
  • Sprache Englisch
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Structure and History in Greek Mythology and Ritual

Structure and History in Greek Mythology and Ritual (Englisch)

  • Von
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  • CALIFORNIA (2005)
  • 9780520047709 (ISBN)
  • Reihe Sather Classical Lectures 47
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