Buch Details
This compact and completely up-to-date, two-way dictionary provides a comprehensive and modern vocabulary, containing 85,000 headwords and phrases. It is the ideal reference for learners of Swedish. The maximum of information is provided in the minimum space, making the dictionary an invaluable reference source.Features include:* guide to Swedish pronunciation and inflexions* important grammatical information provided: gender; plurals; past tense* meaning and usage clearly signposted* expressions and idioms of current written and spoken language* extensive coverage of colloquial and slang registers* full coverage with exceptional simplicity and clarity * user-friendly format
- Einband Taschenbuch
- ISBN13 9780367605230
- ISBN10 0367605236
- Buchseiten 944
- Jahr der Ausgabe 2020
- Sprache Schwedisch
Swedish Dictionary: English/Swedish Swedish/English
- ISBN 9780367605230