Buch Details
A comprehensive and painless way to learn the important development features of Lotus Notes and Domino R5. The lesson-a-day format offers real-world, task-based step-by-step insight to successful mastering of workflow applications. Learn basic Domino application development, as well as the new features of R5 including new @functions, be introduced to JavaScript and LotusScript and learn to write advanced formulas and agents.
Mehr sehen - Each lesson ends with a lesson summary, questions and answers and a workshop. Complete each lesson and workshop and you've created an impressive application ready for the Domino server or the Web!
- If you're studying for certification, this book provides the hands on experience you need to prepare for your application development tests!
- Written by a team of R5 Principally Certified Lotus Notes and Domino Professionals, peer reviewed, and supported by a Certified Series Editor, this book is part of a Series of R5 books offered by SAMS Publishing.
- Einband Taschenbuch
- ISBN13 9780672314162
- ISBN10 0672314169
- Buchseiten 772
- Jahr der Ausgabe 1999
Teach yourself Lotus Notes and Domino r5 development in 21 days
- Verlag SAMS P.
- ISBN 9780672314162
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