Buch Details
Luc de Brabandere has had three careers in his fifty years of professional life. He started out as a computer engineer, before becoming a consultant in creativity, and today he is a corporate philosopher. This journey has led him to investigate successively the three modes of thinking that are permanently articulated within us: logical thinking, creative thinking and critical thinking.As a talented popularizer, he puts forward an ambitious yet accessible summary of the main principles that gover...
- Einband Taschenbuch
- Schriftsteller de Brabandere, Luc
- ISBN13 9781803744421
- ISBN10 1803744421
- Buchseiten 204
- Jahr der Ausgabe 2025
- Sprache Englisch
The Art of Thinking in a Digital World: Be Logical Be Creative Be Critical (Englisch)
- Von
- Luc de Brabandere
- |
- PETER LANG (2025)
- 9781803744421
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