Buch Details
Lucy is a six-year-old girl who hates mathematics and, not surprisingly, she does not understand the point of doing homework. One night she hears someone sobbing in her room, and, curiosity exceeding her fear, she looks in the wardrobe. There, she discovers Bruno, the child ghost. They become friends and together solve the maths problems set for them by their teachers, share reading material and, in short, overcome lifeÆs little teething problems.
Mehr sehen - Einband Taschenformat
- Schriftsteller Ortega De La Cruz, Rafael
- ISBN13 9788492493524
- ISBN10 8492493526
- Buchseiten 160
- Sammlung NIVOLA KIDS
- Jahr der Ausgabe 2016
- Sprache Englisch
The Ghost who hated Maths
- Rafael Ortega De La Cruz
- Verlag NIVOLA
- ISBN 9788492493524
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