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The Linguistic Turn: Essays in Philosophical Method

Buch Details

Introduction / Richard M. Rorty -- Part I. Classic Statements Of The Thesis That Philosophical Questions Are Questions Of Language: -- 1. The Future Of Philosophy / Moritz Schlick -- 2. On The Character Of Philosophical Problems / Rudolf Carnap -- 3. Logical Positivism, Language, And The Reconstructiion Of Metaphysics (in Part) / Gustav Bergmann -- 4. Empiricism, Semantics, And Ontology / Rudolf Carnap -- 5. Systematically Misleading Expressions / John Wisdom -- 6. Philosophical Perplexity / John Wisdom -- Moore And Ordinary Language / Norman Malcolm -- Part Ii. Metaphilosophical Problems Of Ideal-language Philosophy: -- 8a. Analysis And Metaphysical Inquiry / Irving Copi -- 8b. Two Criteria For An Ideal Language / Gustav Bergmann -- 8c. Reply To Bergmann / Irving Copi -- 9. Russell's Philosophy Of Language (in Part) / Max Black -- 10a. Linguistic Approaches To Philosophical Problems / Alice Ambrose -- 10b. Comments On The Proposal Theory Of Philosophy -- 11. Language And Ontology / James W. Cornman -- 12. Semantic Ascent (from Word And Object) / Willard V. O. Quine. Part Iii. Metaphilosophical Problems Of Ordinary-language Philosophy: -- 13. Philosophers And Ordinary Language / Roderick Chisholm -- 14. Arguments To Meaninglessness: Excluded Opposites And Paradigm Cases (from Philosophical Reasoning) / John Passmore -- 15a. Why Ordinary Language Needs Reforming / Grover Maxwell And Herbert Feigl -- 15b. When Is Ordinary Language Reformed? / Manley Thompson -- 16a. Philosophical Discoveries / Richard Hare -- 16b. Do We Discover Our Uses Of Words? / Paul Henle -- 17. Ascriptivism / Peter Geach -- 18. Uses Of Language And Philosophical Problems / James W. Cornman -- 19. J.l. Austin / J.o. Urmson -- 20a. J.l. Austin / Stuart Hampshire -- 20b. J.l. Austin / J.o. Urmson And G. Warnock -- 21. The Interpretation Of Language: Words And Concepts / Stuart Hampshire -- Part Iv. Recapitulations, Reconsiderations, And Future Prospects: -- 22. Philosophy And The Analysis Of Language / Dudley Shapere -- 23. Are All Philosophical Questions Questions Of Language? / Stuart Hampshire -- 24a. The History Of Analysis / J.o. Urmson -- 24b. Discussion Of Urmson's The History Of Analysis / By The Participants In The 1961 Royaumont Colloquium -- 25a. Analysis, Science, And Metaphysics / P.f. Strawson -- 25b. Discussion Of Strawson's Analysis, Science, And Metaphysics / By The Participants In The 1961 Royaumont Colloquium -- 26. Language And Reality / Max Black -- 27. The Philosophical Relevance Of Linguistic Theory -- 28. A Pre-requisite For Rational Philosophical Discussion -- Two Retospective Essays: -- Ten Years After ; Twenty-five Years After / By Richard M. Rorty. Edited By Richard M. Rorty ; With Two Retrospective Essays. Includes Bibliographical References (p. 375-407).
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  • Einband Taschenbuch
  • Schriftsteller Rorty, Richard
  • ISBN13 9780226725697
  • ISBN10 0226725693
  • Buchseiten 416
  • Jahr der Ausgabe 1992
  • Sprache Englisch
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The Linguistic Turn: Essays in Philosophical Method

The Linguistic Turn: Essays in Philosophical Method

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