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The Lonely Hearts Book Club

Buch Details

A young librarian and an old curmudgeon forge the unlikeliest of friendships in this charming, feel-good novel about one misfit book club and the lives (and loves) it changed along the way.Sloane Parker lives a small, contained life as a librarian in her small, contained town. She never thinks of herself as lonely?but still she looks forward to that time every day when old curmudgeon Arthur McLachlan comes to browse the shelves and cheerfully insult her. Their sparring is such a highlight of Slo...

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  • Schriftsteller Gilmore, Lucy
  • ISBN13 9781728256214
  • ISBN10 1728256216
  • Buchseiten 366
  • Jahr der Ausgabe 2033
  • Sprache Englisch
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The Lonely Hearts Book Club

The Lonely Hearts Book Club (Englisch)

16,52€ 17,39€ -5%
Verfügbar am 13.09.2033
Verbleibende Tage 3092 Tage
Dieses Buch kommt am 13/09/2033
16,52€ 17,39€ -5%
Verfügbar am 13.09.2033
Verbleibende Tage 3092 Tage
Dieses Buch kommt am 13/09/2033

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