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The Possibility of Life: Searching for Kinship in the Cosmos

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A spellbinding exploration of alien life and the cosmos, examining how the possibility of life on other planets shapes our understanding of humanity.One of the most powerful questions humans ask about the cosmos is: Are we alone? While the science behind this inquiry is fascinating, it doesn’t exist in a vacuum. It is a reflection of our values, our fears, and most importantly, our enduring sense of hope.  In "The Possibility of Life", acclaimed science journalist Jaime Green traces the history ...

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  • Einband Hardcover
  • Schriftsteller Green, Jaime
  • ISBN13 9780715654811
  • ISBN10 0715654810
  • Buchseiten 304
  • Jahr der Ausgabe 2023
  • Sprache Englisch
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The Possibility of Life: Searching for Kinship in the Cosmos

The Possibility of Life: Searching for Kinship in the Cosmos (Englisch)

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