Buch Details
Stunning reproduction of the beautifully illustrated and profoundly mysterious Voynich Manuscript. The three authors offer an enlightening interpretation of this unique text that draws on their deep knowledge of late medieval manuscripts, astrology, alchemy, cryptography and herbal and magical practitioners’ handbooks.“The Voynich Manuscript is the limit text of Western occultism. It is truly an occult book — one that no one can read.” — Terence McKenna, ethnobotanist and mysticThis complete edi...
- Einband Hardcover
- Schriftsteller Anonymous / Prince, Rafal / Zanbergen, Rene
- ISBN13 9781786780775
- ISBN10 1786780771
- Buchseiten 240
- Jahr der Ausgabe 2021
- Sprache Englisch
The Voynich Manuscript: The Complete Edition of the World' Most Mysterious and Esoteric Codex (Englisch)
- Von
- Anonymous
- , Rafal Prince, Rene Zanbergen
- |
- 9781786780775
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