Buch Details
Thucydides' work was one of the most exciting creations in the cultural history of Greece in the fifth century B. C. and it still poses fresh and challenging questions about the writing of history. There is a marked tension in Thucydides' "History between his aim to write about contemporary events and the desire that his work should outlast the period in which he composed it. "Thucydides and the Shaping of History addresses two important issues: how contemporary was the "History when it was written in the fifth century, and how "contemporary" is it now? This book combines a close analysis of Thucydides' narrative with a discussion of its intellectual motivation; it examines how the historian attempted to determine the way in which readers would respond to his conception of the events of the Atheno-Peloponnesian War, and to ensure the continuing influence of his ideas.
Mehr sehen - Einband Taschenbuch
- Schriftsteller Greenwood, Emily
- ISBN13 9780715632833
- ISBN10 0715632833
- Buchseiten 188
- Jahr der Ausgabe 2006
Thucydides and the shaping of history
- Emily Greenwood
- ISBN 9780715632833
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