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Unlock Reading & Writing Skills. Level A1. Student's Book with Online Workbook

Buch Details

Unlock is a four-level academic skills course that combines thought-provoking video from Discovery Education(TM) with carefully scaffolded exercises and a fresh approach to critical thinking skills. Unlock Reading and Writing Skills Level 1 provides 60-90 hours of classroom material. Access to the Online Workbook is provided via a code packaged with the Student's Book. Critical Thinking sections give students frameworks to formulate their own opinions and express themselves effectively in the en...

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  • Einband Taschenbuch
  • Schriftsteller Ostrowska, Sabina / Dimond-Bayir, Stephanie / Lansford, Lewis / O'Neill, Richard / Sowton, Chris / Caryl Westbrook / White, Nicholas J.
  • ISBN13 9781107613997
  • ISBN10 110761399X
  • Buchseiten 208
  • Jahr der Ausgabe 2014
  • Sprache Englisch
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Unlock Reading & Writing Skills. Level A1. Student's Book with Online Workbook

Unlock Reading & Writing Skills. Level A1. Student's Book with Online Workbook (Englisch)

20,40€ 42,50€
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