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On this day, Sira and Ramiro wake up in Tangier for the first time. What seems like a promising start in María Dueñas's novel Sira soon comes to a screeching halt. Discover >
Irish Grammar You Really Need to Know: Teach Yourself

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Comprehensive and clear explanations of key grammar patterns and structures are reinforced and contextualized through authentic materials. You will not only learn how to construct grammar correctly, but when and where to use it so you sound natural and appropriate. Irish Grammar You Really Need to Know will help you gain the intuition you need to become a confident communicator in your new language.Eamonn O Donaill is former Director of the Language Centre in the Department of Modern Irish, Univ...

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  • ISBN13 9781444189575
  • ISBN10 1444189573
  • Pages 320
  • Published 2013
Irish Grammar You Really Need to Know: Teach Yourself

Irish Grammar You Really Need to Know: Teach Yourself

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