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Romantic legends of Spain

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"In Seville, in the very portico of Santa Inés, and while, on Christmas Eve, I was waiting for the Midnight Mass to begin, I heard this tradition from a lay-sister of the convent. As was natural, after hearing it, I waited impatiently for the ceremony to commence, eager to be present at a miracle..." The Legends are a variety of romantic tales. As the name implies, most have a legendary tone. Some depict supernatural and semi-religious (Christian) events, like The mount of the souls, The green e...

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  • Binding Soft cover
  • Author/s Bécquer, Gustavo Adolfo
  • ISBN13 9788490019535
  • ISBN10 8490019533
  • Pages 294
  • Published 2016
  • Language English
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Romantic legends of Spain

Romantic legends of Spain

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