Book Details
Written by F. Scott Fitzgerald and published in 1925, The Great Gatsby is the great novel of the so-called American dream that emerged from the Roaring Twenties. It offers a devastating dissection of the jazz era and at the same time is a seductive story of love, selfishness, wealth, lies and deception.It is one of the masterpieces of American literature written by one of the most famous authors of the Lost Generation, which includes writers such as Hemingway and Dos Passos. F. Scott Fitzgerald ...
- Binding Paperback
- Author/s Fitzgerald, F. Scott
- ISBN13 9788417928377
- ISBN10 8417928375
- Pages 192
- Published 2020
- Language English
- By
- F. Scott Fitzgerald
- |
- Plutón (2020)
- 9788417928377
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