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Un día como hoy, Heathcliff, protagonista de 'Cumbres borrascosas', espera ansioso a que una enferma Catherine le deje visitarla. Será la última vez que se vean. Descubrir >
Again, Rachel

Detalles del libro

*** CONGRATULATIONS TO THE BRITISH BOOK AWARDS AUTHOR OF THE YEAR 2022***THE NO. 1 BESTSELLING BOOK THAT EVERYONE IS TALKING ABOUT! ______ Losing the love of your life once is tragic. TWICE looks like carelessness...Rachel Walsh is a survivor: she survived rehab and the loss of her greatest love. These days everything in her life is good - good job, good dog, very good boyfriend. Then Luke - her ex of six years - shows up.Suddenly she's fragile and falling. They ended badly and neither can speak...

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  • Encuadernación Tapa blanda
  • Autor/es Keyes, Marian
  • ISBN13 9781405945394
  • ISBN10 1405945397
  • Páginas 624
  • Año de Edición 2023
  • Idioma Inglés
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Again, Rachel

Again, Rachel (Inglés)

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