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Beginner's Irish with Online Audio

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The Irish language, also known as Irish Gaelic or Gaelige, is spoken today by approximately a million people worldwide. It is also the basis of the Irish literary tradition, which is the oldest in Europe after Greek and Latin. Whether you want to connect to your Irish heritage or carry on a conversation when visiting the Gaeltachtai (small rural pockets in Ireland where Irish is the first language spoken), Beginner’s Irish with Online Audio is the perfect start!Ideal for those new to Irish, lear...

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  • Encuadernación Tapa blanda
  • Autor/es Rosenstock, Gabriel
  • ISBN13 9780781813815
  • ISBN10 0781813816
  • Páginas 152
  • Año de Edición 2019
  • Idioma Irlandés
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Beginner's Irish with Online Audio

Beginner's Irish with Online Audio (Irlandés)

19,28€ 20,30€ -5%
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19,28€ 20,30€ -5%
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