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Blood and Bone

Detalles del libro

In the western sky the bright emerald banner of the Visitor descends like a portent of annihilation. On the continent of Jacuruku, the Thaumaturgs have mounted another expedition in a bid to tame the neighbouring wild jungle. Yet this is no normal wilderness. It is called Himatan, and it is said to be half of the spirit-realm and half of the earth. And it is said to be ruled by a powerful entity who some name the Queen of Witches and some a goddess: the ancient Ardata. Saeng grew up knowing only...

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  • Encuadernación Tapa blanda
  • Autor/es Esslemont, Ian
  • ISBN13 9780593064474
  • ISBN10 059306447X
  • Páginas 592
  • Año de Edición 2012
  • Idioma Inglés
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Blood and Bone

Blood and Bone (Inglés)

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