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Decoloniality Praxis: The Logic and Ontology (Emerald Points)

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Presenting a holistic view of decoloniality, its genetic makeup, and its complexities, this book examines how colonialism has become embedded in power, language, culture, institutions, and social structures across the globe, as well as what it might take to relinquish postcolonial thinking in search of a decolonized future.

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  • ISBN13 9781802629521
  • ISBN10 1802629521
  • Año de Edición 2023
  • Idioma Inglés
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Decoloniality Praxis: The Logic and Ontology (Emerald Points)

Decoloniality Praxis: The Logic and Ontology (Emerald Points) (Inglés)

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68,40€ 72,00€ -5%
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