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Un 27 de marzo Juliet recibe una carta de uno de los miembros de la sociedad literaria del pastel de patata. ¿Qué secretos esconde y quién la envía? Descubrir >

Detalles del libro

Natsuki isn't like the other girls. She has a wand and a transformation mirror. She might be a witch, or an alien from another planet.Together with her cousin Yuu, Natsuki spends her summers in the wild mountains of Nagano, dreaming of other worlds. When a terrible sequence of events threatens to part the two children forever, they make a promise: survive, no matter what. Now Natsuki is grown.She lives a quiet life with her asexual husband, surviving as best she can by pretending to be normal. B...

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  • Encuadernación Tapa blanda
  • Autor/es Murata, Sayaka
  • ISBN13 9781783785698
  • ISBN10 1783785691
  • Páginas 256
  • Año de Edición 2021
  • Idioma Inglés
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