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Graded Chinese Reader 1000 Words (Incluye CD/MP3 y tabla para tapar pinyin)

Detalles del libro

In Graded Chinese Reader 1000 words level, the most common words are used, and appear frequently for students to memorize.The sentences are reasonably short, and complex sentences are avoided. In each story, for some key or difficult words, idioms and difficult sentences, notes and examples are given at the side of each page. Pinyin is also shown so that students can review and memorize the pronunciation of Chinese words and more easily look them up in a dictionary. In order to improve the listening comprehension of students of Chinese as a foreign language, CDs in MP3 format are included with each book. In addition, the stories are illustrated with pictures, which can help students to understand the stories better. In summary, the aims ofChinese Graded Reader 3 are to further reduce the difficulty of Chinese reading, to enlarge the reader's vocabulary, and to improve Chinese reading and listening ability.

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  • Encuadernación Tapa blanda
  • ISBN13 9787513808316
  • ISBN10 7513808317
  • Páginas 260
  • Año de Edición 2013
  • Idioma Chino
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Graded Chinese Reader 1000 Words (Incluye CD/MP3 y tabla para tapar pinyin)

Graded Chinese Reader 1000 Words (Incluye CD/MP3 y tabla para tapar pinyin) (Chino)

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16,48€ 17,35€ -5%

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