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How to Think Impossibly: About Souls, UFOs, Time, Belief, and Everything Else

Detalles del libro

A mind-bending invitation to experience the impossible as fundamentally human.From precognitive dreams and telepathic visions to near-death experiences, UFO encounters, and beyond, so-called impossible phenomena are not supposed to happen. But they do happen?all the time. Jeffrey J. Kripal asserts that the impossible is a function not of reality but of our everchanging assumptions about what is real. How to Think Impossibly invites us to think about these fantastic (yet commonplace) experiences as an essential part of being human, expressive of a deeply shared reality that is neither mental nor material but gives rise to both. Thinking with specific individuals and their extraordinary experiences in vulnerable, open, and often humorous ways, Kripal interweaves humanistic and scientific inquiry to foster an awareness that the fantastic is real, the supernatural is super natural, and the impossible is possible.
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  • Encuadernación Tapa dura
  • Autor/es Kripal, Jeffrey J.
  • ISBN13 9780226833682
  • ISBN10 0226833682
  • Páginas 280
  • Año de Edición 2024
  • Idioma Inglés
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How to Think Impossibly: About Souls, UFOs, Time, Belief, and Everything Else

How to Think Impossibly: About Souls, UFOs, Time, Belief, and Everything Else (Inglés)

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