Detalles del libro
Russian language. Short lexical-grammatical course for beginners (Incl. CD-MP3)The textbook is written for those who begin learning Russian from the zero level. It may serve the basis for further studies of the Russian language, development and mastering of speaking skills and habits on a more complicated lexical and grammatical level.Using this manual the students learn to carry dialogues on the topics of everyday life (“Family,” “Work and Studies,” “My hobby,” etc.), to speak about themselves, their friends and occupation, to listen to and read the texts on the similar topics.
- Encuadernación Tapa blanda
- ISBN13 9785883373953
- ISBN10 588337395X
- Páginas 224
- Año de Edición 2016
- Idioma Ruso
Kratkij leksiko-grammaticheskij kurs dlja nachinajuschikh / Russian language. Short lexical-grammatical course for beginners + CD-MP3
- Editorial RUSSKY YAZIK
- ISBN 9785883373953