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Manhattan Transfer

Detalles del libro

An exclusive short story for World Book Day from one of our bestselling authors. This brilliant comic thriller will have you on the edge of your seat. Albert Rossi has many qualities. He's a man who can spot polyester at a hundred paces. He's the person you'd have on speed dial were you to find yourself at the centre of a tailoring emergency. He has an excellent working knowledge of Bonnie Tyler's back catalogue. These skills are essential to a Gentleman's Outfitter from Eastcote. They are not n...

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  • Encuadernación Tapa blanda
  • Autor/es Dos Passos, John
  • ISBN13 9780141184487
  • ISBN10 0141184485
  • Año de Edición 2022
  • Idioma Inglés
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Manhattan Transfer

Manhattan Transfer (Inglés)

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13,77€ 14,50€ -5%
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