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Nineteen Eighty Three (Red Riding Quartet,4)

Detalles del libro

"Nineteen Eighty Three's" three intertwining story lines see the "Quartet's" central themes of corruption and the perversion of justice come to a head as BJ, the rent boy from "Nineteen Seventy Four", the lawyer Big John Piggott - who's as near as you get to a hero in Peace's world - and Maurice Jobson, the senior cop whose career of corruption and brutality has set all this in motion, find themselves on a collision course that can only end in a terrible vengeance. "Nineteen Eighty Three" is an ...

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  • Encuadernación Tapa blanda
  • Autor/es Peace, David
  • ISBN13 9781846687082
  • ISBN10 184668708X
  • Páginas 416
  • Año de Edición 2008
  • Idioma Inglés
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Nineteen Eighty Three (Red Riding Quartet,4)

Nineteen Eighty Three (Red Riding Quartet,4) (Inglés)

9,97€ 10,50€ -5%
9,97€ 10,50€ -5%

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