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Open-Air Cinema: Reminiscences and Micro-Essays from the author of Raise the Red Lantern

Detalles del libro

Memoirs & micro-essays from the master of implication among China?s top writers. It is composed of sanwen, a traditional free prose form. Ranging from boisterous urban sketches to quiet musings on humanity?s strange and secret compulsions, Su Tong pulls back the curtain in a detached style, unafraid to throw the reader an occasional knowing wink.\By turns flexible and delicate, taciturn and effusive, this collection of memoirs and micro-essays project in filmic clarity the cool head, dry wit and social conscience that have made Su Tong the ?master of implication? among China?s leading writers. Ranging from street-level portraits of a boisterous and rapidly changing nation to quiet musings on humanity?s strange and secret compulsions, Su Tong offers a glimpse behind the curtain into the workings of a keen mind that helped shape the literary and popular culture of modern China.

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  • ISBN13 9781838905248
  • ISBN10 1838905243
  • Páginas 247
  • Año de Edición 2018
  • Idioma Inglés
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Open-Air Cinema: Reminiscences and Micro-Essays from the author of Raise the Red Lantern

Open-Air Cinema: Reminiscences and Micro-Essays from the author of Raise the Red Lantern (Inglés)

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