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Pnin (Penguin Clothbound Classics)

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Professor Timofey Pnin, late of Tsarist Russia, is now precariously perched at the heart of an American campus. Battling with American life and language, Pnin must face great hazards in this new world: the ruination of his beautiful lumber-room-as-office; the removal of his teeth and the fitting of new ones; the search for a suitable boarding house; and the trials of taking the wrong train to deliver a lecture in a language he has yet to master. Wry, intelligent and moving, Pnin reveals the absu...

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  • Autor/es Nabokov, Vladimir
  • ISBN13 9780241638422
  • ISBN10 0241638429
  • Año de Edición 2022
  • Idioma Inglés
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Pnin (Penguin Clothbound Classics)

Pnin (Penguin Clothbound Classics) (Inglés)

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