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Proficiency Masterclass : student's book with online skills & language Practice (for the 2013 exam)

Detalles del libro

A revised and updated edition of this highly successful course for the revissed Proficiency exam (December 2002). Using authentic sources throughout for receptive skills work, the course gives examples of all the new CPE exam tasks, together with hints and training.
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  • Encuadernación Tapa blanda
  • Autor/es Gude, Kathy / Duckworth, Michael
  • ISBN13 9780194705240
  • ISBN10 0194705242
  • Páginas 183
  • Año de Edición 2012
  • Idioma Inglés
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Proficiency Masterclass : student's book with online skills & language Practice (for the 2013 exam)

Proficiency Masterclass : student's book with online skills & language Practice (for the 2013 exam) (Inglés)

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