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Shakespeare's Flowers : A 1000-piece Jigsaw Puzzle With A Poetic Host Of Flowers, Plants And Animals

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A floral tribute to Shakespeare’s love of botany and the natural world, in 1000 puzzle pieces. Bordered by an evocative quotation from A Midsummer Night's Dream, the jigsaw evokes a natural mandala – and each of the flowers is referenced with an authentically Shakespearean quotation in the accompanying booklet....

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  • Autor/es Harris, Rebecca
  • ISBN13 9781837760541
  • ISBN10 1837760543
  • Idioma Inglés
Shakespeare's Flowers : A 1000-piece Jigsaw Puzzle With A Poetic Host Of Flowers, Plants And Animals

Shakespeare's Flowers : A 1000-piece Jigsaw Puzzle With A Poetic Host Of Flowers, Plants And Animals (Inglés)

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