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Tara Road

Detalles del libro

Ria lived on Tara Road in Dublin with her dashing husband, Danny, and their two children. She fully believed she was happily married, right up until the day Danny told her he was leaving her to be with his young, pregnant girlfriend. By a chance phone call, Ria meets Marilyn, a woman from New England unable to come to terms with her only son's death and now separated from her husband. The two women exchange houses for the summer with extraordinary consequences, each learning that the other has a...

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  • Encuadernación Bolsillo
  • Autor/es Binchy, Maeve
  • ISBN13 9780752876863
  • ISBN10 0752876864
  • Páginas 648
  • Año de Edición 1999
  • Idioma Inglés
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Tara Road

Tara Road (Inglés)

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